Pre-Order Updates


Kitty Purses

April 12: Production has already begun! More will be produced as needed based on pre-order numbers. Pre-orders end May 3, and this final count will determine the final numbers. 


Spooky Ghost and Wolf Plushies

August 9: Received first samples 

August 10: Submitted changes for next samples. Behind the scenes photos are available on Hanode's Patreon.

August 21: Received second samples and submitted very small changes for the final versions.

September 8: Pre-orders closed! We are getting ready for mass production!

September 11: Mass production has begun! As soon as we receive an update from the manufacturer, we will post that information here with a more accurate date on when they will arrive and when shipping will begin.

November 14: Production of all plushies will be finished within the week!

November 23: All plushies have been shipped to me! I am currently waiting for them to arrive, and then I will begin shipping out orders ASAP!

December 9: About a third of the stock left California and is on its way to me! It is estimated to arrive on December 14-15. The rest of the stock is still stuck in California (I am on the east coast).

December 14: A third of the stock arrived! The rest of the stock has left California and is on its way to me!

December 19: About two thirds of the stock arrived! We are beginning the process of quality checking and sending out orders. The rest of the stock is still on its way!

January 5: All pre-orders have been shipped out!

BKDK Halloween Charms/Stickers

September 9: Mass production has begun!

October 9: All charms and stickers have arrived, and they are going through quality check. Orders containing only charms and/or stickers are estimated to ship by Oct 14!

October 14: All domestic orders containing only charms/stickerss have been shipped out!

October 20: All international orders containing only charms/stickerss have been shipped out!